Monday, September 14, 2020

How Much Does My Blog Really Matter to SEO?

For your average digital marketer, SEO is like clockwork. Conduct keyword research. Insert those keywords into a site’s written content. Appear at the top of the search results. Gain those long-awaited conversions. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Exemplary digital marketers, on the other hand, know that SEO is only deceptively easy. We say “deceptively” because plopping keywords and unique phrases into copy isn’t what will keep viewers on your page. Your content has to be readable and engaging, too. It needs to answer your target audience’s burning questions. When we ask ourselves, “how do I write SEO rich content?” the emphasis should be just as much on the “rich” as the “SEO.” And for many brands, that can be a tricky balance to achieve.

Don’t get us wrong; “how do I write an SEO friendly blog?” will always be a great question. We’ve talked extensively about it in other blog posts (here, here, and here, to name a few). Today we’ll shift gears a little and examine just how and what type of blogs bring in the most leads. If you haven’t started a company blog yet, or if your blogs are just barely hitting the once-a-month minimum, read on. Your copy may be in need of an extreme makeover.

Write Topics Based Not Only On Keywords, But Emerging Trends

The word “trending” can mean so many things nowadays, especially in internet marketing. Let’s review how to use trending topics to your advantage.

Trends Can Mean: The State of the World as We Know It

We’re sure you’ve caught on by now, but 2020 has been something of a case study in enormous, rapidly changing trends. COVID-19 has changed so much of what we search, with questions related to employment status, health and wellness, and quarantine hobbies at an all-time high. With that in mind, how can you tailor your blog posts and your SEO towards any of these trending topics? Maybe your brand wants to go bold and take a stance on a political trend. How can you incorporate your perspective, and the relevant SEO tactics, into your blog?

Trends Can Also Mean: Technical Topics, Like Google’s Ever-Changing Search Algorithm

Google loves changing its algorithm on us, which is why it’s crucial to stay on top of not only world events, but technical trends. For example, Google is preparing to focus on how user experience affects search rankings in the coming months. That means reviewing UX (and how it affects blogging and SEO) should be at the top of your priority list. And when the algorithm changes again? Keep on top of those trends, too.

SEO Success Stories That Generated Huge Leads 

Here at Snap, we’ve crafted some pretty successful SEO content. To prove it to you, let’s look at some of our top SEO case studies—and how our blog posts brought them that success.

Insite Packaging Automation

Insite wanted to introduce their case erectors and case sealers to a broader audience, and we helped them do so by answering some FAQs in blog form. Not only did we conduct SEO research to boost Insite’s visibility, but we also researched trending topics related to the secondary packaging industry. Examples of these included concerns over waste bans (and what they meant for secondary packaging), the increasingly-popular artsy packaging designs, and much more. By addressing user questions and trends, Insite brought clarity and simplicity back into the automated packaging experience. Now they’re reaching a wider audience than ever.

Elevate Living

Elevate wanted to increase leads on sites like by conducting data-driven SEO research and blog posts—and we were more than happy to oblige. We developed a whopping 37 unique campaigns for keyword targeting and demographic analysis to retarget users who’d seen their ads. Demographic research cued us into the millennial crowd that was apartment hunting, and the types of trends they were following that we could incorporate into blog posts. Such trending topics included summer event ideas, ways to stay happy and healthy, and how to connect with fellow residents. The combination of on-point SEO and exciting blog topics has helped Elevate Living appeal even further to a young adult crowd seeking upscale living.

Blogs Matter in SEO. Good Thing We’re an SEO Powerhouse.

Partner with Snap today and let us help you write on-trend blogs that optimize those search results like never before. There’s a bright future full of leads and conversions waiting for you. Connect with us to find out more about our unique SEO process—and the value it’ll bring to your business.

The post How Much Does My Blog Really Matter to SEO? appeared first on Snap Agency.

from Snap Agency

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