Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Magic of Content Marketing

As digital marketers and creative masterminds, content is not just our pride and joy—it’s at the core of our business. Whether it’s videos, infographics, interviews, emails, or even white space design, the content you choose to publish could make or break your business.

We know what you may be thinking. “My products are awesome, can’t they speak for themselves?” “Clients hire me for my web design skills…not my content.” “Writing isn’t my thing. I do my best, but ecommerce knowledge is my real selling point.” “People have short attention spans, so giving them a ton of content to read through would hurt more than help my brand.” But guess what? These views aren’t necessarily correct.

You might have the best product or offer on the planet. Your website could be stunning. Your creative team may be the envy of the biggest brands. But if what you offer is not packaged in high-quality content and tied up neatly with a clearly branded bow, you’re missing an invaluable opportunity to make the most of your content calendars, strategy, and marketing. Underutilized by way too many businesses, quality, custom content is arguably the most valuable weapon in your marketing arsenal.

The Benefits of High-Quality Content

A recent study found that well-branded, solid content preformed better than pre-roll advertising across the user affinity, purchase intent, recommendation intent, and recall platforms. This is huge news for the marketing and advertising world, as it reaffirms what we’ve slowly been realizing: consumers don’t like ads. Although countless consumers have found their new favorite product through thoughtfully placed and effectively written ads, most are swept aside faster than you exit that pesky pop-up that reappears every time you try to watch a YouTube video.

Content is everything. Whether you are revealing your newest product, sharing a business victory, or raising awareness of a new blog, what you say, and how you present your content, matters. The trick to creating content that isn’t instantly brushed over is not to avoid creating content altogether, it’s to avoid creating bad content. Having quality content at the forefront of your core values guarantees that whatever idea, offer, or deliverable you present will feel confident and natural. And when you publish quality content that speaks to the mission of your company, you contribute to brand equity and encourage consumers to view you as an expert in your field.

Getting the Best of Both Worlds

For many content marketers and copywriters, their biggest challenge is creating content that not only connects well with a target audience, but is optimized to track well with search engines. Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use certain “signals” to sort websites.  These signals all work together and contribute to the way your content is “scored.” This score affects how high your content appears on search results that sites like Google share.

Some key signals:

  • The length and quality of your posted content
  • How easily software systems can crawl the architecture of your site
  • The relevancy of your HTML title tags and SEO keywords
  • The trustworthiness of your content/business as a source
  • The credibility of the sources you choose to link content to
  • The locality of your internal/external links and SEO

Although these signals seem complex, all this info boils down to one simple concept: once you understand creating content that connects with people to be the most important piece of the puzzle, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) becomes simple.

Putting Things Out There

Writing good content is one thing, but optimizing that content for search engines is another. Your content calendar might be worth its weight in gold, and you could have the Tolkien of copywriters on your team, but your posts won’t go anywhere online without a killer SEO strategy. Once you understand the difference between good copy and good SEO copy, you will be better equipped to create content that connects with both. Consider working with an SEO copywriter who can write the kind of stellar landing pages and blog posts you need to succeed. Using keyword research, SEO best practices, and general internet savviness, smart SEO copywriters create content that takes advantage of both long-tail keywords and relevant topics to position brands exactly where they need to be.

Every Business Starts Somewhere

Not feeling confident in your content calendar, strategy, or content marketing? Guess what. That’s okay, too! The best place to start is exactly where you are: with the knowledge that your content needs to be dual purposed to both connect with consumers, and to work with the current Google algorithms. Feel like you need more help? Snap’s content marketing experts are standing by, eager to help. Reach out to us today.

from Snap Agency

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, one of the biggest problems I am having on my site is what you just talked about here right now. I really don't know how I can improve in my content to attractive content that will bring visitors to my website @tecteem. Can you help out, although I read through the article you have provided here for us. But I really want to make my toxicwap content to improve more than the way it is now.
