Friday, October 12, 2018

The Role Web Design Plays in Your Blog

Even in the technology- first age of today, many companies do not understand the importance of a user-friendly blog for their company website or the potential web design has to increase their SEO, SEM, and ROI results. According to Forbes, good blogs and web design effect your entire digital presence, from search, branding, and SEO, to traffic, PPC and overall conversion. A user-friendly blog has the potential to improve your user’s experience while enjoying your site, just like a poor blog or confusing web design can drive potential conversions away.

Obviously, the goal is to implement an awesome web design and user-friendly blog experience that will lead to a higher conversion rate. So, how does one create a website and/or blog specifically designed for usability? We recommend working with experts to create the best user interface and experience possible.

Factors That Contribute To a User-Friendly Blog


In order for you to convert web traffic into customers and raise your PPC results, your blog needs to offer users a great experience. If consumers find your website and blog to be laid out poorly, complicated, hard to read, or even badly named, they won’t be motivated to engage further.

Use these factors to gauge how your blog is performing:

  • Page Speed
  • Design Quality
  • Content Legibility
  • Imagery and Video
  • Consistency
  • Responsiveness
  • Mobile friendliness

Find your blog falling short in two or more of these areas? Take the opportunity to brush up on best practices for web design, or read through our design standards to make sure your usability is on par. Like the other aspects below, your blog usability speaks to the tone of your company; especially if you have a wide following, your blog may be the first experience consumers have with your brand. Make sure it’s a good experience.


Your blog design has a uniquely intertwined relationship with your SEO, SEM, and even your conversion rate. Though design trends change as quickly as the seasons, your brand content and digital presence should reflect excellent, consistent quality and voice no matter the current trends. But beware; blogging is harder than you think. Creating good content, and being able to launch it in a steady stream to your blog, takes time, consideration, and a great team.

Good content should:

  • Contributed to by more than one person (peer-reviewed)
  • Be posted consistently and often
  • Be relevant to your consumer base
  • Be well designed (appealing to look at)

Creating content that is sharable is also key to building your blog presence and following. By utilizing your web design to encourage consumer interaction with your blog, your traffic and conversion rate will naturally increase. Check out our best tips for creating shareable content for help. As you begin the content improvement process, keep in mind that good, user-friendly, and shareable content is the end goal.


Does the web design of your website carry through to your blog? Brand conscious web design plays a vital part in user experience and user interface. Research shows that even the color scheme chosen for your brand impacts user experience. Over 93% of shoppers value color and design over other factors. When it comes to design, consistency is key.  If you are trying to build your blog around inconstant brand standards or conflicting base values than your overall site, consumers will be confused and less likely to return to your blog or to convert.

For example, a company runs a blog campaign regarding the importance of good customer service, yet has poor reviews on their own website regarding the customer service consumers have received from them. Play to your strengths. Know the positive attributes your company puts forth, and build your brand around those points. By pushing your strong points, you can remain confident that consumers will receive a good, consistent experience with the web design of your blog and overall site.

The Bottom Line

The web design of your blog affects all aspects of your online presence, from SEO and SEM, to traffic, conversion rate, and even PPC. If consumers are not impressed by the first-glance quality of your web design and branding or don’t find your blog to be user-friendly, they are not likely to dig deeper into your website. For this reason, all three areas, usability, content, and branding, are crucial to cultivating a strong blog and digital presence.

Putting in the work to create a strong blog is not easy; it’s okay to ask for help! Contact Snap to learn how to create the best web design for your blog. We’ll help you gauge your exceptions for your professional blog, and will work together to ensure that those expectations are met in every way. We look forward to hearing from you!

from Snap Agency

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